Monday, January 25, 2010

The Dream Reapers - The 7 Deadly Sins

No, its not the biblical kind...only dreamers and visionaries are in danger. Dreamers and visionaries sow ideas and they need time to manifest, germinate and take root. Reapers are merciless. They move around spewing Paraquat which not only kills the germinating idea, but most times renders the 'soil' around it useless...Put bluntly, they bludgeon your idea, rip your creative soul right out of you and torch it in front of your eyes.
It has always been debated, which is mightier...the pen or the sword...well both have their moments in the sun ...however after pondering further I would say that neither can stand up to that boneless appendage in our head...the tongue. Nothing is more powerful than the sets forth the ripple effect that can either take the form of an enabling wave that will send you high on your way or a devastating tsunami that could alter the entire landscape of your existence.
Dream Reapers are your homes, schools, working places, government, even the man on the street, the one sitting next to you, the one smiling at you ....why go so far...I could be it myself.
Dreamers and Visionaries have followers. Everyone runs from a Reaper (hence the ever continuing search for the elusive Fountain of Eternal Life). Marilyn Lustgarten (The Star 160110) listed the 7 deadly sins that are associated with the Dream Reaper. Go through it and if you find yourself nodding to more than two, it may be time to reevaluate your beliefs, especially if you have the power to alter a life.
This is the "It's all about me attitude - your ideas, your way, only what's good for you."
People will walk away from you as your constant arrogance, self serving interests and constant need to take credit for the good work of others will drain or kill their interest and enthusiasm.
You have a total indifference to the feelings of others and are clueless about how what you say or the decisions that you make effects others or impact their output or lives. You expect them to get over it and when they start complaining or try to explain their concerns, you say, " Quit whining; if you don't like it, leave!"
People will walk away if you fail to consider their feedback and a lack of empathy kills the heart they used to put into their work.
No one believes you know what you are doing or that you are capable of realising what you claim you are capable of.
If it does not come through, eyes roll and people think:"Yeah right". People will walk away when you fail to inspire belief and it also makes them wary of every decision and kills their willingness to 'just trust me on this'.
Do you look for hidden agendas or second guess the motives and decisions of experienced people? Are you needlessly worrying about your back and micromanaging others until they tell you to get off theirs?
People will walk away if you fail to trust them as it kills their initiative and makes them dispassionate robots - just filling time doing exactly what they are told to do.
You keep putting off a decision because of uncertainty what to do. Worse still, you don't allow others to give their opinions or you disregard them because of SIN NO 1.
People will walk away if you are unable to make decisions and stick to them as it causes confusion and frustration about what is next and kills any hope of progress.
You are a constant naysayer. No matter what anybody says or does, it isn't right. The glass is always half empty and the sky is falling, and when something doesn't turn out, you say: "See, I told you it wouldn't work!"
People will walk away as constant negativity kills their desire and motivation to turn problems into opportunities.
You demonstrate a lack of focus and confuse activity with results. Your decision making is aimless. You try too hard to impress and don't do it very well.
People will walk away if you lack vision and clarity about your purpose or function in the group as your goals may confuse them and kill their willingness to follow.
People do not walk away from you unless you have given them reason have you?

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