Saturday, December 19, 2009

Good , you're saving the earth...

I carry my own bags when I go shopping or I try and do away with as many bags as possibe. The part that I dont understand is the vendors themselves cynically commenting how my not taking the plastic bag is going to save the world. I mean why can't they look at it positively?
1) For every plastic bag I refuse, its money saved for them. And I am sure, I am not the only the only business person allowed to 'curse' me would be the plastic bag vendor.
2) For every plastic bag refused, there will be one less plastic bag floating around, chocking up storm drains that could cause flash floods. That is no business loss for the shopkeeper, except for the plastic bag vendor.
3) For every plastic bag refused, R&D revs up to make environmentally friendlier plastic bags cheaper coz the plastic vendor has seen the light for the need of innovation to sustain profit margin (or he could just go into the recycle bag industry or reuseable container industry - the Tupperware people will be SO happy to read this).
Its win win people. So the next time the shopkeeper says 'Good, you're saving the earth...' in a sarcastic tone, I will just smile and say 'Thank you and have a nice day!' its coz its in my blood to B+ and yeah, I am proud to do my part for Mother Earth.


  1. i'm following your footsteps....haha.....only that i don't ask for plastic bag....but buy less things and put in my pocket or just carry it home...haha
