Its been a while since I posted because both my personal and professional email domains decided to duke it out and claim me as theirs. One demanded that I delete and set up a new personal account, the other asked me to move whatever's personal and start fresh with whatever's left. I didn't want to do either cause that would be like telling me 'OK Shy, you can take your brain with you but you'll have to leave your liver behind'. 'Like, what??' Or to put it more politely, 'Excuse me?'
Today a friend suggested starting a blog and I began thinking of this speck of mine already out there in cyberspace. So I went to my FB link and hit it. Lo and behold, I'm back and able to blog, but the email address that goes with this blog, is weird. So folks, whatever you do, do not email me at that weird email add. If you're my friend, you'll know how to get to me.
Guess I'll be adding to the clutter in cyberspace.
Goodnight all. Its good to be back.
Your blog name deserves something more catchy; how does SHYLY SPEAKING sound? Yes, I accept credit card :p
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should resume blogging as well :D
Hello baby,
Delete'Shyly Speaking' is a little too coy for me, n'est-ce pas? By the way, where is my copy of 'Kopi'?? I asked for it to be autographed, so that I can hock it on e-Bay when you're famous, but I never said I wouldn't pay for it. So, once again, where's my copy of 'Kopi' (it rhymes..;) ?
And yes, my woman of substance, who lives for the moment and cares deeply for all who are wronged, make thyself heard. Then I can follow your blog..;)
LOL, I'll bring it down when I'm less busy. Along with some other books. Currently, so many things are going on :p