Sunday, November 15, 2009


2012 Never mind the cliches, never mind the stereotypes, never mind the awesome CGs of the destruction of earth as we know it; what is important is realising that we need each other... more importantly, we need compassion from one another.

Then I read about a call to sign the Wall of Compassion.

So many calls for compassion. These are indeed trying times for all. So much grief, unsettled issues around us. Guess it doesn't matter which cache of society you belong to, all of us will find ourselves looking around for some compassion, some kind of understanding.
Question is...anybody listening?
On the 13.11.09, a group seeking to push for the govt to simplify, update, rectify the our young constitution is also driven by compassion for the underdog, the 'oppressed' and the marginalised.
Here's hoping the powers that be will listen with compassion coz thats what we all need sometimes, a little understanding.

1 comment:

  1. Just came across this. Thanks for supporting what the campaign's doing. Hope you like the article I wrote which I mentioned .
