Monday, November 16, 2009

The World as I see it - Einstein, A.

I have a lot of hobbies; product of being an only child. However, lately, my refuge is often the www. I have this odd habit of typing in phrases or words on Google and wait to see what pops up. Lately, I seem to be typing in a lot of feel good phrases. A lot of different world views are somewhat comforting at times when my future seems bleak and depressing. I admit I count my blessings when I realise that there are a lot out there who have it worse. In fact what we think is the end all is sometimes a catalyst for something greater.
Its been a rough few months for me, both emotionally and spiritually and I unfortunately have had to face a lot of negativity. Everywhere I turn, there seems to be more negativity. Many a time, its needless bitching but nevertheless, its done and it more often than not, just shrouds the moment in gloom and doom. Even my 'Positive Thought For The Day' chart just can't seem to brighten the day. There were days when I felt so damn suffocated, its made me physically ill.
Its been a constant battle trying to dodge this cloud of darkness, trying to think of looking at the positive in all situations. Its really difficult. I have lost count of the times I have just said F*&% IT. I dodge reality. Call it escapism. Call it procrastination. Call it my ignorance is bliss happy time.
Today was one of those days and sitting here I typed in The World As I See It. Interestingly an essay by Einstein of the same title popped up. They had upload extracts of the essay. As I read it, it made me ponder.
He says that one should know, upon deeper reflection, that one exists for others, not for one's self. He called himself a lone traveller yet was concerned of social justice, social responsibility. He believed that no man should be idolised yet he was for his genius. For a man whose theories may question the existence of the Almighty, he professed to being a deeply religious man. He says The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed.

I read these words and I think of my life in progress.

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