Sunday, November 29, 2009


A week ago, my dad misplaced his wallet. The poor man was so stressed when he realised that his wallet was no where to be found. Dressed to retrace his steps from the day before, his phone rings. The caller asked if he had called the right person and two minutes later, my dad was elated. Someone had found his wallet. He arranged a meeting.

Two hours later, he came home wallet in hand but was very dejected. The so called samaritans had extorted RM2K from my dad. They had gone through the wallet and discovered that my dad had access to a comfortable life. They rationalised that if they had not done the 'good' deed, my dad would probably have more of a headache trying to get replacements. Realising they had a lot of his personal info in hand, he gave them the money and walked away. He had already reported his cards missing to the credit companies so the replacements are on their way.

Ironically, my dad had told my mum that he was going to be generous with them. However what he did not expect was for them to do that. Guess he was expecting them to be like him; decent.


  1. 2k????WTF?
    its too much for that. If it is me, i will just return the wallet without asking for anything.

  2. You are the kind of person who would make the world a better place..:)
